Limo zum Frühstück (Lemonade for breakfast)

Breakfast concert for the whole family

Premiere: Sunday 2nd October 2022, 11:00 AM

There’s this song that I love to hear when I’m riding my bike along the river. And this other song I heard at a concert once and have been humming ever since; the song my grandparents danced to at their wedding, the tune from the radio in the taxi during the holidays.

Marie and David play a selection of their favourite songs spanning pop and rock, folk and swing and tell us why they love them. With vocals, guitar, bass, violin, electro beats, piano and whatever else they can get their hands onto. And sometimes they invite friends to play music with them.

Their concert is an invitation to the whole family to enjoy music together — to remember, to rediscover, to smile, to tell stories, to share. Live music at its best — once a month, on Sunday mornings for all those who are already awake. With coffee or lemonade in hand…

A breakfast concert for the whole family.

Zugänglichkeit / Barrierearmut: 
Die Aufführung ist ein theatrales Konzert. Sie ist für Menschen allen Alters geeignet und es ist während der Vorstellung jederzeit möglich, den Raum zu verlassen und auch wieder zurückzukommen. Für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung bieten wir außerdem vor der Vorstellung eine Tastführung an. Einfach bei der Kartenbestellung Bescheid sagen. 

0+, Duration: 45 minutes
Price: Children/Teenagers 5,50 €, Adults 7,00 €