
by and with Milan Gather

A young man living the dream of many young people: Becoming an astronaut. He tells us stories about the hardships of the selection process. About the experience of weightlessness, survival training under extreme conditions. About the analog mission in a cave to train 2000 meters below earth for the next moon landing. About looking back at our vulnerable blue planet and the feeling of humility before life.

But there’s something else. Something that is increasingly upsetting the young man. Something that has to do with his own youth. With guilt that has never been atoned for and that haunts him, with brutality and loneliness. And with a classmate who even then, years back, dreamed of being able to fly. 

Gradually it becomes clear: the budding astronaut was involved in a serious case of bullying (without the word being mentioned throughout the play) as a juvenile delinquent, in the very room where he now stands again.

Winner of the Youth Play Prize at the Heidelberger Stückemarkt.

This piece can only be booked mobile.

Note for teachers

Following the recommendation of school psychologists, this play should not be viewed by a class in which there is a current bullying case. If individual students* in the class have been affected by bullying in the past, please contact Iolanda Carrozzo in advance for individual arrangements in the interest of the affected students*.

Contact: Iolanda Carrozzo: 0711-218 480 15

Ages 12 and up, Grades 7–9
Duration: 45 minutes
Price: €7.50 per Student



Meryem Polat

Theater pedagogy

Amelie Barucha