
Do you want to be part of our theatre?
You want to play, write, dance, watch or participate?
Then you’ve come to the right place: here you’ll find all the current offers to PARTICIPATE: play clubs, holiday workshops, open trainings, Fancy Friday and more.

regular offers

new Projects (register now!)

Ages 16–25

Ages 9–23

3 projects, 3 locations, many questions.

What does it mean to occupy a space, to inhabit it, to be part of it? This trilogy of projects with children and young people is about finding out how we can make a space our own in different ways. “How can I occupy the space?” We want to go to places like theaters, cultural centers and public spaces: Do I belong here? Or does this space belong to me? What happens when we occupy this space? Who else is in this room and who is shaping it with me? These questions will accompany us all together and find a form in performances, scenes, movement and dance.

The project is aimed particularly at children and young people with a migration history and non-European origin.

With: Angélica Topfstedt and guests

Project 1: Cultural centre
November and December 2024 – For children aged 9+.

Project 2: Theatre
expected to start in February 2025 — for young people aged 16—23.

Project 3: Public space
May and June 2025 — age group to be published. 

Registration from September 2024 at:

Further information about participation fees, time and place will follow!

Ages 8–15

Start: November 2024

The office is co-led by young employees between the ages of eight and fifteen and in the first phase examines real conflict situations. For this purpose, smaller and larger, appropriate and inappropriate reactions are collected and researched together as a team. Reactions are organized, processed, repeated and archived.

In the second phase of the project, the office becomes a meeting place and test office for an audience or customers. Customers are all those who are looking for compassion, are angry or no longer know what feels appropriate. Various possible reactions can be tried out and practiced: on the punching bag, perhaps during a joint meditation or a round of Uno…

The OFFICE FOR APPROPRIATE REACTIONS is looking for interested children and young people between the ages of eight and fifteen who are interested in a special performance theater project.

With: Frederic Lilje

Performances and the opening of the office are planned for March 2025.

Registration from September 2024 at:

Further information about participation fees, time and place will follow!

Ages 8–11

Every Tuesday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at JES
Start: October 1st, 2024
Performances: June 2025 

Going to the toilet alone in the dark at night. Realising at school that you have forgotten your homework. The big dog next door who gets too close. And there is immediately this one feeling: fear. But what exactly is fear? When is it too much? And when does it have a bit of fun? How can we face fear with courage and be courageous together? And how can we bring courage and fear onto the stage with our bodies, with light or music?

We will be researching and experimenting on these questions in the Club starting in October.

With: Katharina Felde 

Registration from September 2024 at:

Participation fee: 80.00 euros (incl. JES club card)

Ages 12–15

Every Tuesday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at JES
Start: November 2024
Performances: June 2025 


Participation fee: 80.00 euros (incl. JES club card)

Ages 16–25

Every Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at JES
Start at October 1st, 2024
Performances: June 2025

Places where people live to an above-average age, where they live healthy and happy lives in various ways are called BLUE ZONES. Living in community is one of the secrets of those over 100 years old. But what does living in community mean and how can community be created?

We will go on an aesthetic journey of discovery and try out how we ourselves can form a community and connect others.

In this Club we also want to experiment a lot with our voice. Singing talent is not a condition for taking part!

With: Silke

Registration from September 2024 at:

Participation fee: 80.00 euros (incl. JES club card)

ongoing projects

Ages 16–25

Holiday project from October 28th to November 2nd, 2024

Queer*Town is for everyone who identifies as queer and is interested in collective theater work! In the one-week holiday project, we will develop an audio walk together in which our own topics, questions and concerns around queer visibility will find space.

We deal with what being queer means to ourselves and also get into dialogue to queer actors from the city of Stuttgart. We will explore (queer) places, try out lots of things and experiment artistically together.

The exact location and time will be announced later.

With: Katharina Felde

Registration from September 2024 at:
If you have any questions about anonymous registration, please contact us:

Free offer

Club for senior citizens
Ages 55 and up

Has FOMO (fear of missing out) always existed? In other words, the fear of missing out. Or is it a phenomenon of the digital age?

How differently do we perceive time? What do we do with our time or what do we wish we had done with it? Why does a rainy Sunday afternoon sometimes not pass quickly enough? And why does a whole decade fly by instead?

The seniors’ club goes in search of small time windows and big time wasters and asks itself what all this could have to do with age…

The exchange with experts from different age groups will flow into the content-related and artistic research. The theatrical result of the research will be presented to an intergenerational audience at JES in fall/winter 2024.

The seniors’ club is also open to new participants from the start of production! Do you have time? Then let’s get going!

Regular rehearsal dates: Tuesdays, 11 am – 2 pm, start: Tuesday, 16.01.2024, performances: Fall/Winter 2024

A rehearsal weekend before the summer break (the summer break begins at the end of July 2024) and intensive rehearsals in fall 2024 are planned.

With: Hannes Michl and Krümmel Bühler (FSJ Culture).

Participation fee: 80,00 €

JES philosophers
Ages 11-17

Theatre-enthusiastic thinkers for all questions connected to JES

Whether at rehearsals, in the theatre or in conversation with politicians: The JES philosophers have good questions for everything. They watch performances, share their thoughts, reflect on their impressions and let off steam artistically themselves!

With: Silke

Are you interested in co-creating with us?
Then please contact Silke:

Free offer (incl. JES club card)

about good and bad, but probably mostly about the complicated mess in between (Arbeitstitel)
Ages 16–25

A play with teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16 and 25.

Together with director Josie Dale-Jones, we are developing a new play with teenagers and young adults. After an initial concept weekend with young people, the idea was born. The working title is “about good and bad, but probably mostly about the complicated mess in between.” And now we are looking for players!

The central figure for this project is Boudica: a queen, a warrior, a brutal murderess. In England, she is a symbol of the fight for freedom and justice. But it’s more complicated than that…

We ask ourselves: can a person be good and do evil at the same time? Can a bad person also be good? Is revenge ever justified? The gray area in between is complicated and exciting.

With: Sezin, Frederic, Josie

Rehearsals: weekends and vacations in April and May, times by arrangement
April 2–7 (Easter vacations), April 12–14, May 8–15, May 18–20, May 25–31 (Whitsun vacations)

Performances: May 30 and May 31 (and a guest performance in autumn 2024)
Participation fee: 80.00 €

Registration and questions to: