Wider die Tyrannei!

Theater Tempus Fugit
Interactive theatre performance (in German spoken language & audio description)

From level to level. Forks in the road. Crossroads. Obstacles. How do we decide? Which way should we take? Right or left? Two performers enter the game against tyranny. But what does tyranny mean? What does resistance mean? And how can resistance be organised?
“20 Lessons for Resistance” by Timothy Snyder serves as the basis for the artists. The spectators are directly involved. They guide, support and decide. In the end, the question remains: How do we want to look back on our society in the future?
The theatre piece starts in the middle of young people’s reality. Two Instagram accounts with stories, reels, hashtags and likes are visible. The audience is mesmerised until the situation changes and they are allowed to decide how they would act. Digital voting tools give them the chance to actively influence events. Where does the story lead? Music and projection blur, resound in and fill the space. The interactive theatre performance takes a critical look at current tyrannical structures and conflicts.

More information about “Wider die Tyrannei“.


With audio description & tactile guidance

Bei der Audiodeskription werden unter anderem das Bühnenbild, die Kostüme und der sichtbare Handlungsverlauf für Menschen mit Sehbehinderung beschrieben. Die Beschreibungen werden während der Vorstellung live eingesprochen. Die Beschreibungen sind für das Publikum über Sender mit Kopfhörern hörbar.

Eine Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn findet die Tastführung statt. Hier könnt ihr Teile des Bühnenbildes, der Requisiten und der Kostümteile ertasten. Es gibt ein Tastmodell, in dem das Bühnenbild nachgebildet ist. Außerdem beschreibt euch eine Person wichtige, sichtbare Vorgänge des Stückes.

Tickets are always available for people who require audio description. Auch wenn die Vorstellung im Webshop ausverkauft ist, könnt ihr Karten per E-Mail reservieren: ticket@jes-stuttgart.de.

Zur besseren Planung bitten wir um Anmeldung für die Audiodeskription.
Für die Tastführung ist eine Anmeldung unbedingt notwendig. Schreibt uns eine Mail an ticket@jes-stuttgart.de.

Information on sensory stimuli

Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be exciting or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you will find sensory stimuli here in the future, which occur in places in this piece. They may be helpful for you or someone who is attending the performance with you to be aware of.


We do not view content notes as spoilers for the plot of a play, but as an important source of information to help you decide whether or not to attend an event.

The play depicts racist, sexualized and police violence.

Images and symbolism from the war and National Socialism are shown.

Depictions of eyes are shown repeatedly.

Age 13+
Duration: 90 minutes
Prices: Children/teenagers 7,00 € / adults 14,00 €
Venue: FITZ Saal



Laura Huber, Lisa Wilfert


Laura Huber, Lisa Wilfert


Karin Maßen


Johan Olsson


Emma Kommert


Mio Trillitzsch

Lighting & Sound

André Kulawik