Die Bademattenrepublik

An interactive adventure based on motifs by Valerie Wyatt


Raising your voice, making it heard What happens when this basic right is suddenly lost? Two actors have founded a state to defy a monstrous danger and invite children to become its first citizens.

Together they dive into an adventure of intergalactic proportions, playfully testing social coexistence and determining who decides, and thus take on the small issue of saving the world.

Playfully and embedded in an exciting story, the children experience the encouraging feeling that they are a serious part of society.That it is worthwhile to raise one’s own voice – and to fight for this fundamental right.

This play can also be booked on-site for classrooms. The performance venue is the school gymnasium. Information in German can be found HERE.

Notes on sensory stimuli

Sensory impressions such as bright light, loud noises or sudden events can be overstimulating or overwhelming for some people. That’s why you’ll find a list of sensory stimuli in “Die Bademattenrepublik” here. They may be good to be aware of for you or someone who is attending the performance with you.

– The performance contains loud music and pulsating, technical noises, some of which occur suddenly.

– Distorted voices are played as sound recordings.

– There is a flashing signal light that briefly generates loud noises.

– The audience is on stage with the actors and is actively involved in the play. The audience is asked to change their position in the room and take on small roles and tasks. The audience is asked to answer questions.

– At one point in the play, some audience members are asked to make loud noises with objects.

– At one point in the play, the audience is asked to shout something out loud. It gets very loud in the room for about a minute.

– The audience sits on bath mats on the floor. Sometimes the audience is asked to stand.

– The actors move quickly around the room and walk through the audience. Sometimes they stand elevated on a windowsill or a platform.

– The actors show big emotions. For example, they are excited, desperate or happy. Sometimes they speak very quickly and frantically.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact us at ticket@jes-stuttgart.de. We are happy to work out how we can help together with you.

Ages 8 and up, Grades 3–4.
Duration: approx. 70 minutes
Prices: Children/young adults €5.50, adults €8.00
Seating capacity: 50

Mobile Performances: Prices: 10.00 € per student