New Generation

Ten unknown theatre producers from different countries experience the festival together. They get to know each other, exchange ideas and question each other. They attend plays together, share their expertise and concerns in workshops and discuss perspectives on theatre with and for young audiences. They throw themselves into the unknown with relish and explore the new.

What questions does the New Generation have? And what do they call into question? What unites them as a generation of international producers of theatre in a world that is on the move in so many different ways? How do they, as artists, authors and dramaturges, confront the uncertainties in this world? What new paths and (performance) spaces do uncertainties create in them and in their artistic work with and for young people?

Direction: Larissa Probst

Larissa is a theatre pedagogue and dramaturge at JES. She wants more participative intergenerational formats, spaces for encounters critical of adultism, collaborations with young people that create alternative realities and can thus question the familiar.